A number of interesting articles and facts or changes in legislation that will give you further information if you are considering purchasing on the Costa del Sol in Spain.


Inheritance tax in Andalucia

Inheritance tax is often a major concern for those inheriting property or assets in Andalucia. In this article we are going to help you understand what inheritance tax is, how it is applied in Andalucía and the most recent changes that have almost eliminated this tax for many heirs.

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Tourist Rental Licence in Andalucia: New Regulation according to Decree 31/2024

The tourist rental sector in Andalusia has undergone a significant change with the recent publication of Decree 31/2024 of 29 January in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government (BOJA). This decree introduces new regulations that affect both owners and operators of tourist rentals. Below, we break down the most relevant points and the practical implications of this new regulation.

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Cancellation of Tourist licenses in Malaga-Andalucia

On May 12th, 2016, Andalucia introduced a new regulation governing holiday rentals (known as Viviendas de Uso Turístico in Spanish). Since then, property owners who regularly rent out their properties to tourists for a fee must comply with this law. They are mandated to register their property as a “Vivienda Turística” (Touristic property) in the specialized registry set up by the regional government. Failure to register will classify the apartment as “clandestine,” potentially resulting in fines of up to €18,000 solely for non-compliance. This specific regulation has been recently updated by Decree 31/2024 of 29th of January, with significant changes.

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